It's all about: Exotic Egyptians
R 40.00
Exotic Egyptians tells you everything you want to know about the people and places of ancient Egypt, from towering pyramids and ruling pharaohs to magnificent treasures and marauding tomb raiders. Exotic Egyptians is part of a great new collectible series called It's all about... It is packed with facts and stats, and there are eight amazing co...
It's all about: Mighty Trucks
R 40.00
Mighty Trucks tells you everything you want to know about trucks, from mining trucks to dumper trucks, trucks that can carry houses, fire engines ready with lots of water, and so much more. Mighty Trucks is part of a great new collectible series called It's all about... It is packed with facts and stats, and there are eight amazing collector ca...
It's all about: Slithering Snakes
R 40.00
Slithering Snakes tells you everything you want to know about snakes: how they use their senses, which is the most deadly, why snakes shed their skin, and so much more. Slithering Snakes is part of a great new collectible series called It's all about... It is packed with intriguing facts and stats, and there are eight amazing collector cards to...
It's all about: Speedy Trains
R 40.00
Speedy Trains tells you everything you want to know about trains, from building the first railways to steam engines and trains that hover above the rails. Learn about trains that go underground, across water, through rock, and more. Speedy Trains is part of a great new collectible series called It's all about... It is packed with facts and stat...
It's all about: Wild Cats
R 40.00
Wild Cats tells you everything you want to know about the world of cats in the wild. Read about the habitats they live in and the different ways they hunt for prey. Discover the amazing variety of wild cats, from speedy cheetahs to the largest of wild cats, the Siberian tiger. Wild Cats is part of a great new collectible series called It's all ...
Ja! kleuter Bybelstories oor gebed
R 35.00
Hierdie kleurvolle geillustreerde Bybelstories is spesiaal vir Vreugde! Kleuters geskep. Elke verhaal word vergesel deur n gebed, om kinders te help om met God te praat, asook n Christelike waarde wat die storie versterk. Hierdie boek help kinders om Vreugde! Kleuters te wees. n Vreugde! Kleuter vier die vreugde van Jesus deur n vreugde-vervulde...
Ja! kleuter Bybelstories oor God se grootheid
R 35.00
Hierdie kleurvolle geïllustreerde Bybelstorie-reeks is spesiaal geskep vir Ja!Kleuters. Elke storie word vergesel deur ‘n gebed om kinders te help om met God te praat, en ‘n Christelike waarde wat daarby pas. Hierdie boek help kinders om Ja!Kleuters te wees. ‘n Ja!Kleuter sê ‘n groot Ja! om Jesus te volg en om ‘n goeie en gelukkige lewe te leef.
Ja! kleuter Bybelstories oor Jesus
R 35.00
Hierdie kleurvolle geillustreerde Bybelstories is spesiaal vir Vreugde! Kleuters geskep. Elke verhaal word vergesel deur n gebed, om kinders te help om met God te praat, asook n Christelike waarde wat die storie versterk. Hierdie boek help kinders om Vreugde! Kleuters te wees. n Vreugde! Kleuter vier die vreugde van Jesus deur n vreugde-vervulde...
Ja! kleuter Bybelstories oor liefde
R 35.00
Hierdie kleurvolle geillustreerde Bybelstories is spesiaal vir Vreugde! Kleuters geskep. Elke verhaal word vergesel deur n gebed, om kinders te help om met God te praat, asook n Christelike waarde wat die storie versterk. Hierdie boek help kinders om Vreugde! Kleuters te wees. n Vreugde! Kleuter vier die vreugde van Jesus deur n vreugde-vervulde...
Joykids Bible Stories About Friendship
R 35.00
The Joy! Kids Bible series is based on 1 Thessalonians 5:16. Rejoice always. God’s children should ALWAYS live Joy-filled lives. Each story is accompanied by a prayer to help children connect with God; as well as a Christian value that reinforces the story.
Joykids Bible Stories About Gods Miracles
R 35.00
The Joy! Kids Bible series is based on 1 Thessalonians 5:16. Rejoice always. God’s children should ALWAYS live Joy-filled lives. Each story is accompanied by a prayer to help children connect with God; as well as a Christian value that reinforces the story.
Joykids Bible Stories About The Good And Beautiful Jesus
R 35.00
The YesKids Bible Story series is based on 2 Corinthians 1:20-21. God's promises are stamped with a big YES! When we say YES! to Jesus, God affirms us, making us a sure thing in Christ, putting 'YES' within us. A new approach to Children's Bible publishing! These colourfully illustrated Bible Stories holistically teach YesKids life skills and li...
Joykids Bible Stories About Trusting God
R 35.00
The Joy! Kids Bible series is based on 1 Thessalonians 5:16. Rejoice always. God’s children should ALWAYS live Joy-filled lives. Each story is accompanied by a prayer to help children connect with God; as well as a Christian value that reinforces the story.
Junior Dictionary
R 140.00
Junior Dictionary is the perfect first picture dictionary for kids aged 5+. Children can check their spelling, build vocabulary and polish their grammar skills with this clear, concise dictionary. Each page is packed with fun illustrations to help explain definitions and example sentences are given for each word. Clear, concise definitions Br...
Kaptein Verdwyn
R 170.00
Wat sal jy doen as jy onsigbaar kan raak? Kyle is moeg daarvoor dat die skoolboelie op hom pik. Denzel die Draak knou gedurig ander kinders af, terg hulle en vat hulle pousebroodjies. Toe Kyle 'n nuwe selfoon kry, laai hy ’n vreemde app af – een wat belowe om jou onsigbaar te maak! Kort voor lank verander Kyle in 'n superheld: Kaptein Verdwyn! ...
Kinders se voël van Suider-Afrika
R 170.00
Hierdie lewendige boek stel kinders voor aan meer as 60 van die voëlgroepe wat in suider-Afrika te vind is: grasieuse flaminke, vinnige valke, juweel-agtige suikerbekkies, kordate neushoringvoëls en vele meer. Leer hoe om verskillende voëls te identifiseer en ontdek meer oor hul gedrag – hoe hulle kos soek, ’n maat kies, ’n nes bou, kuikens groo...