School for Stars: First Term at L'Etoile
The enchanting debut novel from the immensely popular SCHOOL FOR STARS series, written by sisters Holly and Kelly Willoughby. This book is for every girl who has ever danced in front of the mirror, sung into a hairbrush, or dreamed of becoming a star.
We are the Willoughby sisters and we have a story to share with you about one of the most important things in the world - friendship.
On the first day of term at L'Etoile, School for Stars, twins Maria and Molly Fitzfoster meet Pippa Burrows who's won a song-writing scholarship to the school. The talented trio share the same dreams of super-stardom and become best friends. But will their friendship stand up against Lucifette Marciano's plans to wreck their chances and claim fame for herself?
This book is GLEE for 9+ and is perfect for fans of BALLET SHOES and MALLORY TOWERS.