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- 100 Facts: Animal Life
100 Facts: Animal Life
100 Facts Animal Life is bursting with exactly 100 mind-blowing facts, awesome images and fun activities to help children aged 7+ years learn everything they need to know about the extraordinary lives of wild animals. Labeled diagrams showing inside the anatomies of key animal groups. Covers survival skills, predators and prey, and eggs and babies.
Numbered facts enable kids to work methodically through the book, and allow you to see their progress. 100 Facts Animal Life covers key information for kids in easily-digestible, numbered facts. Every page features detailed illustrations and colorful photographs that bring the text to life, making this title the perfect children's animal book for ages 7+ years. Topics covered in 100 Facts Animal Life: Learn how to define an animal group and spot individual features.
Survival skills and habitats of animals such as skunks and armadillos. How animals became endangered through natural and manmade causes. 'I don't believe it' fascinating facts: The peregrine falcon is the fastest animal in the world. It dives down to catch its prey at speeds of up to 200 miles an hour! One colony of honeybees contains up to 50,000 bees in summer. To make one jar of honey, the bees have to travel the same distance as three times around the world! A great white shark has about 300 razor-sharp teeth in its mouth. Its jaws open wide enough to swallow a whole seal in one big gulp! Activities to make learning accessible and interactive: Make a food chain with paper and ribbons. Quiz question: How soon can a baby giraffe stand up after it is born? Make a monkey mask by decorating a paper plate with paper scraps and colored pencils
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