Jasper: My Eerste Rympie-Woordeboek; My First Rhyme-Time Dictionary
R 150.00
'n Eerste tematiese, tweetalige geillustreerde kinderwoordeboek in volle kleur. Vrolike rympies ondersteun die bekende temas. Die liggaamsdele, kleure en vorms, aktiwiteite en syfers vul die temas aan. Direkte assosiasie tussen voorwerp en woord. A first thematic bilingual illustrated wordbook in full colour. Cheerful rhymes support the famili...
Great Book of Sudoku
R 230.00
This bumper collection filled with more than 900 sudoku puzzles is the ultimate treat for any fan of the popular number-placement puzzle. Packed with puzzles over various difficult levels, this collection is sure to keep you entertained for hours.