Cute Pets Magic Pictures (Paint with Water)
R 45.00
Brush with water to reveal the colours! Cute pets magic pictures is a fun, paint-free way to create colourful art. All you need is a jar of water and 'n paintbrush! With over 30 exciting pictures to paint, this book is the perfect introdution to painting!
Knip, verf, plak
R 120.00
Knip, stempel, plak, verf en skep asemrowende kunswerke met hierdie eenvoudige, maklike projekte. Ontdek hoe om 'n olifantboekmerk, 'n string roomysvlaggies, seerowers op roomysstokkies en 'n hele handafdruk-dieretuin te maak - alles van goedkoop materiaal wat maklik verkrygbaar is. Daar is 50 projekte om te kan verken, so kom ons maak kuns!!
365 Goed om te teken en verf!
R 80.00
Is jy mal oor teken en verf? Die boek bevat fantastiese kreatiewe projekte vir elke dag van die jaar!
Great Book of Sudoku
R 230.00
This bumper collection filled with more than 900 sudoku puzzles is the ultimate treat for any fan of the popular number-placement puzzle. Packed with puzzles over various difficult levels, this collection is sure to keep you entertained for hours.