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- Picture Flats
- Age 8 - 10
Picture Flats

Why I Love my Grandma (Picture Flat)
R 50.00
‘I love my grandma because… ‘Everyone’s grandma is the best. And who better to tell the world than children themselves?This charming book combines endearing things said by children about their grandmas with gentle illustrations of familiar animals.The text is amusing and insightful, with reasons why grandmas are loved by their children rang...

Why I love my Grandpa (Picture Flat)
R 50.00
Everyone loves their grandpa! Especially you!

Why I love my Mummy (Picture Flat)
R 50.00
Everyone loves their mummy! Especially you!

Why I Love my Friends (Picture Flat)
R 50.00
Featuring children’s own words and heart-warming pictures, this board book is perfect for sharing with friends! ‘I love my friends because… ‘ This heartwarming book combines endearing things said by children about their friends, with gentle illustrations of familiar animals. And from playing together to holding hands, there is a lot to c...

Perfekte Werk vir Pappa, Die
R 80.00
Pappa se werk is so vervelig! Wat as hy ophou om na vergaderings te gaan... en eerder die Sewe See begin verken, teen drake begin veg, of in 'n vuurpyl deur die ruimte blits?