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Picture Flats

Moenie hierdie melk vergeet nie
R 160.00
Mila en Pappa gaan winkel toe. Dit lei tot fantastiese avonture. Maar sal hulle die belangrikste ding onthou?

You are Loved
R 160.00
Athandwa’s heart is different. For as long as she can remember, her heart sings. At first it scares her. Why is she different from her family and friends? But when she tries to silence her heart, she discovers a secret … and a special song. A song that Mama, Gogo and Koko also know. You are loved is a lyrical story about accepting the things tha...

Jy is Liefde
R 160.00
Athandwa se hart is anders as ander mense s’n. Vir so lank as sy kan onthou, kan sy haar hart hoor sing. Eers maak dit haar ’n bietjie bang. Hoekom is sy anders as ander mense? Maar toe sy haar hart probeer stilmaak, ontdek Atandwa ’n geheim – en ’n baie spesiale liedjie … een wat Mamma, Gogo en Koko ook ken. Jy is liefde is ’n liriese verhaal o...

We are One
R 140.00
We may look diferent you and I, sound different, act different, eat different food, and live in different places, but when I look into your eyes, I see myself. A comforting and lyrical book about friendship and ubuntu that celebrates both our differences and similarities.

Ons is Een
R 160.00
Ek en jy lyk dalk verskillend, ons klink verskillend, ons bly op verskillende plekke en ons eet verskillende soorte kos, maar wanneer ek in jou oe kyk, sien ek myself. 'n Warm, vertroostende boek oor die wonder van vriendskap!