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Spy Force Special: 2 Totally Top Spy Mysteries
R 100.00
Max Remy dreams of being a super spy, just like her hero Alex Crane. But while Alex Crane is cool, collected and fearless, Max is crass, clumsy and a scaredy-cat. So when she's somehow signed up to work for Spy Force, the world's top spy agency, she's in for an exciting time. Max is determined to fight crime wherever she finds it - and the firs...

Sterre vir die Donker
R 220.00
Dit is aaklig om op amper sewentien so baie dinge nie te weet nie. Nie te weet of jou ma dalk reg is en jy net ’n pil moet drink om die donkerte tekeer nie, nie te weet of jou broer se ambisie hom die kluts gaan laat kwyt raak nie. Om nie eers te praat oor die feit dat jy glád nie te weet wat jy met die res van jou vreeslike gemiddelde lewe wil...

Stille waters
R 315.00
Hanna, ’n dinamiese en suksesvolle personeelagent, lewe teen ’n vinnige pas. Sy’t haar eie besigheid, is gelukkig getroud en het twee kinders rondom wie sy haar besige lewe beplan. Maar toe sy een middag ná ’n blitsbesoek aan die winkels by die huis opdaag, stort haar hele kaartehuis ineen. Sal sy in die maa...

Susanna M Lingua Gunstelinge 6
R 80.00
In Waar die frangipani bloei is Duque Diago de Velira Cervantes in beheer op Braco, maar toe Ronelle Dekker die dorpie besoek, daag sy hom met haar vurige geaardheid uit. In Lied van die Isar raak die baron Ludwig Krafft halsoorkop op Tillie Joubert verlief en hulle trou. Maar sy weduweesuster probeer die huwelik vernietig. En in Jy is my droomm...

Sweet Treats & Secret Crushes
R 70.00
When a blizzard threatens to ruin Valentine’s Day, three seventh-grade friends make and distribute fortune cookies to their lonely neighbours and confront the secrets they’ve been keeping from one another.Confident Kate doesn’t notice much but the latest gossip, and shy Georgia can’t say out loud what’s always on her mind. They’re joined by ob...

Target, The
R 90.00
Government operatives Will Robie and Jessica Reel are faced with a lethal mission in The Target, from best-selling author David Baldacci. The follow up to the smash-hit thriller, The Hit. An attack from North Korea looks likely as US involvement in an attempted coup is revealed, and a bond of trust has been broken at the very highest level. Chu...

Tech Lab: Awesome Builds for Smart Makers
R 240.00
This DK children's book for ages 11-14 is brimming with exciting, educational activities and projects that focus on electronics and technology.Keep your siblings out of your room with a brilliant bedroom alarm, power a propellor motorboat, make a thermoelectric phone charger, build a set of speakers, and construct a crane by following step-by-st...

Tienerharte (1): Hartklop
R 199.00
Megan kuier by haar ma op Paternoster vir die Desembervakasie. Maar haar broer se beste vriend, Dewald, daag ook onverwags daar op. Dewald maak haar kniee al vir jare lam, maar haar oorbeskermende broer Stefan sal nooit toelaat dat daar iets tussen hulle gebeur nie. En wie se Dewald voel dieselfde oor haar? Dewald se jaloerse eks sorg ook vir h...

Tienerharte (2): Hartbreker
R 199.00
Stefan vry graag in die bondel. Maar Ciska, met haar krullerige rooi hare en sexy lyf, is die eerste meisie wat sy voete regtig onder hom uitslaan. Vir haar sal hy enigiets doen, selfs in 'n getroue verhouding wees vir altyd. Maar die irriterende rykmansdogter, Surette, is vasberade om haar kloue in Stefan te hou. Hierdie romantiese reeks met h...

Tienerharte (3): Hartedief
R 199.00
Lisa vlug van haar gewelddadige, dwelmverslaafde kerel en begin 'n nuwe semester by die Elizabeth Galloway skool vir modeontwerp in Stellenbosch. Daar ontmoet sy weer vir Estian, met sy onweerstaanbare blou oe. Maar Lisa kan net nie nou by iemand betrokke raak nie, want al waaraan sy kan dink is die geheim wat sy wegsteek . . .Hierdie romanties...

Tienerharte (4): Hartsnaar
R 199.00
Sophia en Noah is al beste vriende vandat hulle in doeke is. In hulle matriekjaar wil hulle saam na die somerskool in Londen gaan - Sophia vir haar ballet en Noah na die musiekskool. Maar hoe gaan Noah vir Sophia sê hy is verlief op haar, sonder om hulle vriendskap op te foeter? Wanneer Sophia alleen Londen toe vertrek, is dit Noah se laaste kans.

Trebizon (1): First Term at Trebizon
R 65.00
Join Rebecca and her friends at Trebizon, perfect for fans of Enid Blyton’s Malory Towers and St Clare’s. New girl Rebecca Mason arrives at Trebizon, the famous boarding school, after everyone else has already made friends. Lonely and anxious to prove herself, Rebecca writes something for the school magazine, which unexpectedly triggers a row, a...

Trebizon (10): Fourth Year triumphs at Trebizon
R 65.00
When Rebecca, Sue and Tish take up running, they never expect it to lead to an adventure. But that surprise is nothing compared to the shock of a film crew arriving at Trebizon! The crew film Margot surfing, Tish at the beach, and even Rebecca’s long-awaited tennis match with Joss Vining. But the Silent Eye film company is not all it seems. Can ...

Trebizon (2): Second Term at Trebizon
R 65.00
Join Rebecca and her friends at Trebizon, perfect for fans of Enid Blyton’s Malory Towers and St Clare’s. It’s only the start of Rebecca Mason’s second term at Trebizon School, and she is already caught between her two closest friends. Why is Tish trying to stop Sue from becoming the captain of the hockey team? And why is she suddenly so keen fo...

Trebizon (3): Summer Term at Trebizon
R 65.00
Join Rebecca and her friends at Trebizon, perfect for fans of Enid Blyton’s Malory Towers and St Clare’s. Rebecca has never been good at math. If she doesn’t improve, she’ll go into a different class next year and be separated from Tish and Sue and the rest of her friends, but the new young math teacher is no help at all. Only the excitement of ...

Trebizon (4): Boy Trouble at Trebizon
R 65.00
Join Rebecca and her friends at Trebizon, perfect for fans of Enid Blyton’s Malory Towers and St Clare’s. It’s only the start of Rebecca Mason’s second term at Trebizon School, and she is already caught between her two closest friends. Why is Tish trying to stop Sue from becoming the captain of the hockey team? And why is she suddenly so keen fo...