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Webslim: Hoe om aanlyn veilig te Bly
R 170.00
Word www.webslim.co.za. Kom ontdek die wonders van die internet saam met Anzil en Chris, en leer hoe om veilig te wees terwyl jy die web verken. Of jy nou veilig wil bly op sosiale media, jou slimfoon of e-pos wil gebruik sonder om nare verrassings af te laai, of deur kuberboelies lastig geval word, hierdie boek is ’n briljante gids vir jou lewe...
Weer en die Seisoene (Prettige Feite)
R 170.00
Prettige feite en aktiwiteite vir woelwaters! Ontdek wat alles in die lug aangaan in Prettige feite: Weer en die seisoene. Hierdie boek is propvol feite en aktiwiteite wat dit die perfekte boek vir alle weerstoestande maak! Lesers kan uitvind hoe sneeuvlokkies vorm, waarom dit reën en waarom daar soms 'n reënboog in die lug verskyn. Daar is sel...
Weet hoe met wetenskap
R 320.00
Verdiep jou in die opwindende wêreld van die wetenskap, tegnologie, ingenieurswese en wiskunde, wat in 25 lekker maklike projekte gekombineer is.
Weg! Platteland Seisoenskos
R 120.00
Alle goeie kos begin by vars bestanddele en Seisoenskos was jou hoe om van lente, somer, herfs, en ja, ook winter, 'n okkasie te maak. Ruim tyd in om kos te maak en dit aan tafel met spesiale mense te geniet. 90 resepte - van voorgeregte, brood en happies, hoofgeregte, bykosse, nageregte, gebak en drankies - maak dit maklik om die oorvlo...
Welcome to Weridsville: Happyland
R 65.00
On Toby's eleventh birthday, he and his friends get a mysterious invitation to Happyland, the abandoned funfair in town. It's too good an opportunity to miss, even though the place gives them the creeps.What they find there is more terrifying than any of them could have imagined. Getting in was the easy part. Surviving long enough to escape ...
Wendy Quill is a Crocodiles Bottom
R 50.00
Wendy's plans don't always work out but that's never stopped her having the best time ever!When she fails to get the lead part in the school production, Wendy stuns the audience with her debut as a crocodile's bottom!Then Wendy is dragged along to her best-friend Florence's tap-dancing class and somehow manages to wow the teacher with her dancin...
Wenners vir Jesus: 101 Dagstukke vir Koningskinders
R 160.00
101 dagstukke wat kinders tussen agt en 12 uitdaag om ’n verskil in die wêreld te maak. God het ’n hart wat brand van liefde vir kinders. Hy het hulle innig lief. So jonk as wat hulle is, het elkeen van hulle ook ’n plek en ’n doel op aarde. Hulle is net so bruikbaar soos volwassenes. In Wenners vir Jesus nooi Johan en Helena Smith elke laersko...
Wêreld van Wolwe: Derde Mag (Boek 3)
R 210.00
“Jou pa is ’n moordenaar,” sis Wolfgang. “Hy moor my weerwolwe. Eendag gaan hy jou ook skiet. Wag maar, daardie dag kom.” Joshua Reinders se lewe is ’n gemors. Hy dra ’n groot geheim: Hy is ’n weerwolf. En sy pa is ’n weerwolfjagter. Die spanning verhoog egter toe Wolfgang Lycaon in Droomhoek opdaag. Die afskuwelike leier van die Wêreld van Wolw...
Wêreld van Wolwe: Eerste Bloed (Boek 1)
R 210.00
Alle kinders is bang vir iets. As hulle sê hulle is nie, lieg hulle.” Joshua Reinders maak ’n groot fout. As hy net nie so bang was nie, het sy pa nooit daardie aand ’n kind geskiet nie. Dis hoekom hulle na Droomhoek moes vlug. Maar ook in Droomhoek teister die vrees hom. Skaduwees is nie net skaduwees nie. Geluide is nie net geluide nie. En men...
Wêreld van Wolwe: Tweede Asem (Boek 2)
R 210.00
Dis weird om te weet jy is 'n weerwolf. Maar dis ook cool. Joshua Reinders se lewe het 'n wilde draai gegooi. Hy weet nou hy is 'n weerwolf. Maar dit bring ook 'n nuwe probleem: Sy pa mag glad daarvan uitvind nie, want hy jag weerwolwe. Netnou skiet hy ook sy eie seun. Joshua moet nou leer hoe om die weerwolf-transformasie, sy TWEEDE ASEM, te ha...
What are you Doing in My Bed? (Picture flat)
R 50.00
Kip the kitten has nowhere to sleep on a cold winter's night. So he creeps into a house and curls up in a snug, cosy bed. But this bed belongs to someone else....
What Causes Weather and Seasons?
R 60.00
Children love learning about the world around them. Our Curious Young Minds series will captivate curious youngsters with a look at the science behind some of life's most intriguing subjects. In What Causes Weather and Seasons, Kate and her little brother, Jack, learn how the sun makes the planet hot, why the seasons change, why it's cold on one...
What Dinosaur Am I?
R 65.00
Read the clues and lift the flaps to discover a different dinosaur on each page! Meet a dinosaur with a sail on its back, another that has feet like an elephant and one with a club at the end of its tail the size of a football!
What the Animals Saw (Picture Flat)
R 60.00
What if you could see through the eyes of an animal?Dive, splash, soar and prowl through the book as you see the world through the eyes of some of the world's most amazing animals. Take in the view as you soar like an eagle, gaze through the eyes of a prowling tiger, become part of a protective elephant herd, and much, much more.This intimate lo...
What the Ladybird Heard (Julia Donaldson)
R 90.00
She saw two men in a big black van,With a map and a key and a cunning plan.And she heard them whisper, “This is howWe’re going to steal the fine prize cow. . .” But Hefty Hugh and Lanky Len reckon without the tiniest, quietest creature of all: she has a plan of her own. “Classic Julia Donaldson rhyming text makes this farmyard...
What's More Scary than a Shark? (Picture Flat)
R 50.00
What's more scary than a shark? Two Sharks. Shark is seriously scary. Lobster is the only creature in the sea who isn't afraid of him. Then along comes Sadie. As big as Shark and as scary as shark, she's gorgeous. She makes Shark go seriously silly and soppy, and he'll do anything to win her sharky heart. But will he change his scary ways?