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Wolf, Hond en Kat
R 150.00
Kat is terug. Sy is in die bos. Wolf se bos! Wolf is bang vir Kat. Maar Hond nie. Hy help sy neef. Hoe? Dit kan jy in hierdie boek lees. ’n Prettige storie vir beginnerlesers deur die skrywer van die veelbekroonde boeke oor Vos en Haas. Hierdie boek begin met eenvoudige woorde en kort sinne en word dan geleidelik ’n bietjie moeiliker. Die boek ...
Wolfgang Amadeus Muis
R 50.00
In Philip de Vos se aweregse humoristiese styl word die verhaal vertel van die haarlose klein babamuisie wat een aand heel toevallig die naam Wolfgang Amadeus gekry het. Maar dit was dieselfde aand dat die Wonderwerk (Oupa se stel valstande, maar dit weet die muise natuurlik nie!) tussen die muise opgedaag het, en Wolfgang Amadeus sy talent in d...
Wolves who Came for Dinner, The (Picture flat)
R 50.00
One little lamb. Four hungry wolves.And a forest full of animals out to save the day.But sometimes things are not always what they seem...A brilliant book about breaking down boundaries and challenging stereotypes. The much-anticipated sequel to The Wolves Who Came for Dinner.
Wonder van die Skepping, Die
R 280.00
Die Wonder van die Skepping: 100 dagstukkies oor God en wetenskap is die derde boek in Louie Giglio se gewilde dagstukkie-reeks vir kinders oor God en die wetenskap. Soos met die vorige boeke in hierdie gewilde reeks, sal dit kinders aangryp en hulle wys God se ontwerpplan is regtig wonderlik. In hierdie dagstukkies nooi bekende past...
Wonder van Leer: Ontdek Dolfyne
R 60.00
Lees alles oor die oseane se intelligentste diere in hierdie lewendige visuele gids. Ontdek hoe dolfyne jag, waarom hulle fluit, wat dolfynterapie is en hoe ons hulle kan beskerm. Binne-in is pragtige foto's, duidelik diagramme en bladsye vol nuttige feite.
Wonder van Leer: Ontdek Goggas
R 60.00
Betree die wereld van gonsende bye, wippende sprinkane, pragtige skoenlappers en ander wonderlike goggas. Die diertjies mag miskien klein wees, maar in vergelyking met hul grootte is hulle baie sterker as selfs die sterkste diere. 'n Mier kan dan meer as 50 keer sy eie gewig optel! Leer hoekom spinnekoppe nie goggas is nie, hoe bye heuning maak...
Wonder van Leer: Ontdek Ruimte
R 60.00
Met sy boeiende illustrasies, gedetailleerde ontledings van sleutelfeite en fassinerende inligting is hierdie boek propvol wetenswaardighede en pret.
Wonderful Words: At Home!
R 140.00
Wonderful Words: At Home! is packed with lots of bright illustrations and labels to help your little one explore familiar objects around the house, room by room. Words are grouped into categories to improve your toddler's vocabulary and encourage discussion Questions help you to explore numbers, colours and shapes with your child A colourful...
Wonderful Words: My Food!
R 140.00
Wonderful Words: My Food! is packed with lots of bright illustrations and labels to help your little one explore the everyday subject of the food they eat. Words are grouped into categories to improve your toddler's vocabulary and encourage discussion Questions help you to explore numbers, colours and shapes with your child A colourful wall ...
Wonderful Words: On the Farm!
R 140.00
Wonderful Words: On the Farm! is packed with lots of bright illustrations and labels to help your little one explore familiar everything on their favourite farm. Words are grouped into categories to improve your toddler's vocabulary and encourage discussion Questions help you to explore numbers, colours and shapes with your child A colourful...
Wonderful Words: On the Go!
R 140.00
Wonderful Words: On the Go! is packed with lots of bright illustrations and labels to help your little one discover different kinds of vehicle and the assortment of wonderful words that go with them. Words are grouped into categories to improve your toddler's vocabulary and encourage discussion Questions help you to explore numbers, colours a...
Wonderlike ware Dierestories
R 200.00
Maak kennis met Jock, die beroemdste hond wat ooit in die Bosveld gebly het. Volg Huberta die seekoei op haar verstommende staproete. Ontmoet Max, die gorilla wat 'n skurk vasgetrek het. En skud poot met Just Nuisance, die matrooshond wat soldate tydens die Tweede Wereldoorlog geinspireer het. Van slim diere tot dapper diere - en selfs diere wat...
Wonders of Learning: Discover Oceans
R 70.00
The oceans cover 75 percent of our planet and hold over 95 percent of all of Earth's water. The world's oceans are home to incredible creatures and the world's largest living structure - the Great Barrier Reef. This Discover Oceans book provides a valuable introduction to the creatures and mysteries inhabiting this largely unexplored world.
Wonders of Learning: Discover Physics
R 70.00
A visual guide to the properties of matter and energy. This engaging and informative reference book is sure to broaden horizons, awaken interests and provide unparalleled homework help.
Wonders of Learning: Discover Reptiles
R 70.00
Reptiles are cold-blooded animals which include snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles, and tortoises. They are distinguished by having dry scaly skin and typically laying soft-shelled eggs on land. This Discover Reptiles book provides a valuable introduction to these diverse and amazing creatures of today, and their extinct relatives.
Wonders of Learning: Discover Spiders
R 70.00
Spiders are in the arachnid class, but not all arachnids are spiders. Most spiders use a web to catch their prey, which comes from spinneret glands on their abdomen, and each gland produces a different kind of silk - some sticky, some fine, and some for building. This Discover Spiders book provides a valuable introduction to these creatures an...