
101 Bug Jokes
R 65.00
What is a frog’s favourite fast food? French flies. How can you tell the ocean is friendly? It always waves. Giggle, groan and guffaw with Jaco Jacob’s new humorous series of 101 Jokes books, now available in English! Each book contains tons of jokes that will have you and your friends in stitches.

101 Grappe (8-in-1)
R 390.00
Lawwe grappies oor talle onderwerpe vir jou en jou vriende!Jaco Jacobs se 101 Grappe-reeks sal jou laat lê van die lag! Daar is grappe oor skool, vakansie, diere, goggas, spoke, sport en meer. Hierdie lawwe grappies waarborg ure se vermaak.Koop nou al 8 titels saam in een waarde-vir-geld bokspak – beskikbaar in Afrikaans en Engels!

101 Holiday Jokes
R 65.00
What is a frog’s favourite fast food? French flies. How can you tell the ocean is friendly? It always waves. Giggle, groan and guffaw with Jaco Jacob’s new humorous series of 101 Jokes books, now available in English! Each book contains tons of jokes that will have you and your friends in stitches.

101 Jokes (8-in-1)
R 390.00
Lawwe grappies oor talle onderwerpe vir jou en jou vriende!Jaco Jacobs se 101 Grappe-reeks sal jou laat lê van die lag! Daar is grappe oor skool, vakansie, diere, goggas, spoke, sport en meer. Hierdie lawwe grappies waarborg ure se vermaak.Koop nou al 8 titels saam in een waarde-vir-geld bokspak – beskikbaar in Afrikaans en Engels!

13 Spookstories
R 190.00
Glo jy in spoke? Is daar regtig allerlei bangmaakgoed wat in die nag rondloop? Maak dig toe die gordyne, klim in jou bed, trek die duvet styf om jou skouers... en laat die 13 stories in hierdie boek jou koue rillings gee!

Boekwinkel Tussen die Wolke
R 220.00
Welkom by Kop In Die Wolke – Ella se gunstelingwinkel op aarde. ’n Plek vol towerkrag, waar wonderlike dinge met jou kan gebeur. Hier kan jy tweedehandse boeke koop wat ruik na raaisels en avonture en dagdrome (en ’n klein bietjie na sweterige sokkies, as ons nou doodeerlik moet wees). En tussen die rakke wag ’n avontuur wat Ella se hele lewe ga...

R 99.00
Wat doen ’n mens met duisend blikkies boeliebief? Het jou oupa se neushare al die voorblad van die koerant gehaal? Hoe lyk ’n verliefde volstruis? Wat kan jy alles met die skoolhoof se hartjie-onderbroek aanvang? Hierdie boek bevat sewe snaakse stories wat jou gaan laat skater, skree of snork van die lag!

Croc & Pickle 3: Marshmellows on Toast (Level 2)
R 45.00
Learning to read is one of the biggest adventures any child can embark upon and Croc and Pickle are the perfect friends to accompany them on this journey!Level 2 of this popular reading series by Jaco Jacobs is now available in English. These 10 books teach children to read new words through the use of fun rhymes and hilarious stories. The serie...

Croc & Pickle 5: This is Not a Box (Level 2)
R 45.00
Learning to read is one of the biggest adventures any child can embark upon and Croc and Pickle are the perfect friends to accompany them on this journey!Level 2 of this popular reading series by Jaco Jacobs is now available in English. These 10 books teach children to read new words through the use of fun rhymes and hilarious stories. The serie...

Croc & Pickle Level 1 Book 1
R 45.00
Look at Pickle! He has a new car. He wants to go for a drive. But Croc doesn't want to come along. He wants to stay home and make jam.Reading is fun with Croc and Pickle!This fun-filled series is the perfect starting point to nurture a life-long love of reading.

Croc & Pickle Level 1 Book 10
R 45.00
Poor Pickle! He is covered in spots! Lots and lots of spots! He spends the day in bed, while Croc has to bring him food, juice and flowers ... and even sing him a song. But then Croc discovers a secret ... Reading is fun with Croc and Pickle! This fun-filled series is the perfect starting point to nurture a life-long love of reading. .

Croc & Pickle Level 1 Book 2
R 45.00
Where is Pickle's yellow sock? He is sure he saw Croc eating it. Croc remembers eating an apple, an orange, a slice of cake and some jelly ... But did he eat Pickle's sock?Reading is fun with Croc and Pickle!This fun-filled series is the perfect starting point to nurture a life-long love of reading.

Croc & Pickle Level 1 Book 3
R 45.00
Pickle has an icy surprise ...The dan has frozen! Pickle can't wait to go skating on the ice. But Croc does not want to come along. Why does Croc not like ice?Reading is fun with Croc and Pickle! This fun-filled series is the perfect starting point to nurture a life-long love of reading.

Croc & Pickle Level 1 Book 4
R 45.00
Pickle wants to go for a run ... and he invites Croc along. But a fun run soons turns into a race - and someone is cheating! Reading is fun with Croc and Pickle! This fun-filled series is the perfect starting point to nurture a life-long love of reading.

Croc & Pickle Level 1 Book 5
R 45.00
Pickle is in the mood to make a mess! He wants to bake a cake, do some art and build a tower. But who is going to clean up? Reading is fun with Croc and Pickle! This fun-filled series is the perfect starting point to nurture a life-long love of reading.

Croc & Pickle Level 1 Book 6
R 45.00
Croc is reading a book. Pickle wants to know what the book is about. Is it about a brave princess who saves a dragon? Is it about old pirates who like to drink tea? Or is it about a wolf who eats hot veggie stew? No, it's not that kind of book ... Reading is fun with Croc and Pickle! This fun-filled series is the perfect starting point to nurtur...