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Oupa Olivier Weet Van Niks
R 50.00 R 140.00
Stian se sussie en boetie lag vir Oupa Olivier omdat hy so vergeetagtig is, maar Stian gee nie om nie. Hy help liewer sy oupa onthou. Eendag besluit Stian dat hy en Oupa Oliver dieretuin toe moet gaan. Hulle het so lekker rondgeloop, dat nie een van hulle twe later kon onthou waar die uitgang is nie...
Rascal: Facing the Flames
R 40.00
Rascal is hot and thirsty, and still miles from home and his beloved master Joel. But a dangerous forest fire has been started by some careless campers. Can Rascal save both himself and Hailey, a girl who is just as lost and frightened as he is?
Rascal: Lost in the Caves
R 40.00
Rascal isn't the bravest dog in the world. His playful nature sometimes gets him into trouble. Luckily his owner Joel is always there to stand up for him. But when exploring on vacation puts them in great danger, Rascal knows that only he can save his best friend.
Rascal: Racing Against Time
R 40.00
Rascal is nearly home. He’s so close to finding his owner Joel again—but then a terrible accident destroys his hopes. Trapped in an animal shelter with no one to claim him, it looks as if Rascal and Joel will be separated forever. Can they find each other before it's too late?
Rascal: Running for His Life
R 40.00
Rascal is lost and frightened, far away from his owner and best friend Joel. Then he’s rescued from dog catchers by Lucas, a boy who’s also running from bullies. Can Rascal be brave, and show Lucas how to stand up for himself?
Rascal: Swept Beneath the Waters
R 40.00
Rascal is hungry and tired, and missing his best friend Joel—but when he finds three abandoned puppies, he knows that he needs to look after them. Can he keep them safe and still find his own way home to Joel?
Rascal: Trapped on the Tracks
R 40.00
Rascal is lost, hungry and scared. He’s trying to find his way home, to his best friend and master Joel—but danger is everywhere. There’s a wild dog on the loose, and he’s after Rascal.
Rede vir Rose, 'n
R 90.00 R 150.00
Rose met hul delikate geur en volmaakte vorm is reeds eeue lank die wereld se gunstelingblom. 'n Bos rose, of selfs 'n enkele langsteelroos, is sedert die vroegste tye 'n simbool van liefde en gedeelde vreugde. Van die mistige middellande tot die droe woestyn, van die berge tot aan die see, het rose hulleself bewys as gewillige inwoners van enig...
Reënboogrant Maats Omnibus 2
R 125.00 R 210.00
Kom deel in die lekkerste tye van Shani en Sunette se lewe – die Reënboogrant-jare! Een van die gewildste Afrikaanse reekse is nou in ’n omnibus beskikbaar! Kom deel in die lekkerste tye van Shani en haar sussie Sunette se lewe – die Reënboogrant-jare! In die Reënboogrant Maats-boeke is Shani-hulle op laerskool, en hulle beleef allerlei opwinden...
Skatlam Skaap en die Draakstert Hotel
R 40.00
Skatlam is g'n gewone skaap nie. O, nee, vir haar is die weiveld nie genoeg nie. Sy't 'n droom - 'n wonderlike droom … al is sy baie lief vir haar raserige familie. Skatlam wil haar eie hotel he! Sy trotseer baie gevare op pad na die hotel toe, die honger wolf en 'n sissende slang. En dan is daar nog die draak agter die hotel … Geniet Skatlam se...
Soek die Meerkat: Reis deur Tyd (Soek en vind)
R 75.00
Wat kry jy wanneer jy 'n moedswillige meerkatfamilie met 'n tydmasjien kruis? Epiese chaos! Willem Meerkat is aan die stuur en die familie maak reg vir 'n wilde, woeste reis deur tyd.
Splotz Blossom, The: Press out Sticker Activity
R 30.00
Get ready because the Splotz are coming to play! Follow Blossom through the book completing puzzles, dot-to-dots, doodles and more! Don't forget to check your answers at the back of the book. Find the smelly stickers to decorate the pages, there will be some left over to sticker anywhere! Just rub the stickers to release the delicious cherry s...
Splotz Bubbles, The: Press out Sticker Activity
R 30.00
Get ready because the Splotz are coming to play! Follow Bubbles through the book completing puzzles, dot-to-dots, doodles and more! Don't forget to check your answers at the back of the book. Find the smelly stickers to decorate the pages, there will be some left over to sticker anywhere! Just rub the stickers to release the delicious Bubblegu...
Splotz Ice, The: Press out Sticker Activity
R 30.00
Get ready because the Splotz are coming to play! Follow Ice through the book completing puzzles, dot-to-dots, doodles and more! Don't forget to check your answers at the back of the book. Find the smelly stickers to decorate the pages, there will be some left over to sticker anywhere! Just rub the stickers to release the delicious mint smell! ...
Splotz Splitz, The: Press out Sticker Activity
R 30.00
Get ready because the Splotz are coming to play! Follow Splitz through the book completing puzzles, dot-to-dots, doodles and more! Don't forget to check your answers at the back of the book. Find the smelly stickers to decorate the pages, there will be some left over to sticker anywhere! Just rub the stickers to release the delicious Banana sm...
Sprokies met Lesse - Aspoestertjie se balletskoene
R 60.00
Aspoestertjie wil baie graag by die dorp se nuwe dansskool gaan lesse neem, maar sy het nie balletskoene nie. Sal haar droom ooit waar word? Met hierdie oorpronklike storie oor Aspoestertjie kan kinders van omgee leer. Die boek bevat ook besprekingspunte en ’n aktiwiteit om saam met kinders te doen.