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The Secret Seven Collection 4: Books 10-12
R 120.00
Solve the mystery with the Secret Seven - everyone's favourite detective club! This fantastic bumper collection contains Secret Seven books 10-12, with illustrations by Tony Ross. Book 10: Puzzle For The Secret Seven (first published in 1958)In book ten, the gang witness the horror of a house going up in flames. Then there's the theft of a very ...

Exploring Nature: Spectacular Sharks
R 80.00
Find out about the amazing creatures of the sea, the different species, habitats and survival.

Classic Collection of Fairy Tales
R 140.00
Children and adults alike will delight in these enchanting tales, which are just as popular today as they were over a hundred years ago. These classic stories have withstood the test of time and are part of a heritage of folk and fairy tales that are shared across borders and languages. This collection contains twenty-four popular tales, retold ...

Find Out About Rainforests
R 60.00
Explore the tallest treetops, investigate the noises of the rainforest canopy, and learn about the mysterious secrets of the rainforest with this exciting book. Easy-to-do projects show how to track animals and plant a mini-jungle, and amazing facts inspire kids to find out more about the natural world.

Find Out About Machines
R 60.00
Discover what machines are, how they work, and how they have developed through history, in this fascinating fact file and learn-it-yourself project book. Includes 19 practical experiments - make a windmill, a hydraulic lifter and even a vacuum cleaner! An accessible and lively introduction to machines, ideal for home or school use for 8 to 12 ye...

Find Out About Weather
R 60.00
Weather is all around us. This fact-file and practical book tells you all about climates and seasons, why temperatures rise and fall, how clouds, snow and ice form, and how people are able to forecast the weather. The hands-on projects make it easy to learn for yourself: find out how to measure wind, make your own weather vane, and test air pres...

Find Out About Pyramids
R 60.00
The ancient pyramids contain some of the greatest mysteries of history; this fascinating fact file and learn-it-yourself book unlocks the secrets of all kinds of pyramids from around the world, and hands-on projects include measuring the heights of pyramids, writing in hieroglyphs and growing your own pyramid crystals.

Ultimate Book of Snakes and Reptiles
R 140.00
A fascinating fact-packed insight into every aspect of reptilian life, habitat and survival, with fabulous wildlife pictures, perfect for 8- to 12-year-olds at home or school.

Aquarium Fish
R 210.00
A definitive guide to identifying and keeping freshwater and marine fishes.The comprehensive practical manual to keeping up all types of aquarium.Clear step-by-step photographs and easy-to-follow instructions for planning, building, stocking and maintaining your aquarium.Essential information on major families and groups of fishes.Fully illustra...

Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs
R 210.00
An introduction to the evolution of dinosaurs, fossilization and paleantology, and an incredible encyclopedia of creatures with detailed descriptions and illustrations.

Jou kind en verlies
R 270.00
’n Mens wil glo dat kinders nie verdriet ervaar nie, maar hulle beleef dit wel.Selfs as ’n mens dit regkry om kinders teen die ergste hartseer te beskerm, sal daar tog ’n keer kom wat hulle een of ander vorm van verlies ervaar en daaroor sal rou.Die dood van hetsy ’n maat, familielid of troeteldier, is nie die enigste vorm wat verlies aanneem ni...

How Things Work
R 260.00
Ever wanted to take apart the microwave to see how it works? Crack open your computer and peek inside? Intrigued by how things work? So are we! That's why we're dissecting all kinds of things from rubber erasers to tractor beams! Read along as National Geographic Kids unplugs, unravels, and reveals how things do what they do. Complete with "Tale...

Garden Flowers (Colour Art)
R 70.00
This colouring art book is packed with lots of garden flower related scenes, bringing hours of enjoyment for any promising artist! Includes professional tips, each page is perforated and scenes can be completed with pencils, watercolour pencils or paints.

13 Spookstories
R 190.00
Glo jy in spoke? Is daar regtig allerlei bangmaakgoed wat in die nag rondloop? Maak dig toe die gordyne, klim in jou bed, trek die duvet styf om jou skouers... en laat die 13 stories in hierdie boek jou koue rillings gee!

Elle-Reeks: Omnibus 4
R 320.00
In hierdie boeke in die Elle-reeks is daar superhipermega-avonture wat op Elle en haar pelle wag … Insluitend ’n nuwe storie! Terwyl Elle nog kopkrap oor haar droomrok vir die matriekdans, duik daar onverwags ’n paar nagtelike besoekers en groot moeilikheid by die koshuis op. En boonop is mevrou Bender, die skoolhoof, vasbeslote dat Elle met ’n ...

Skreeu en ander verhale
R 240.00
Skreeu en ander Verhale – Soos ‘n vuishou in die maag. So tref hierdie bundel kortverhale vir tieners jou. Van die bekendste skrywers in Afrikaans span saam vir ‘n boeiende leeservaring. Al die stories in hierdie bundel het een ding gemeen – hulle is uit die perspektief van hedendaagse jongmense geskryf en takel kwessies waarmee tieners hulle st...