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Stille waters
R 315.00
Hanna, ’n dinamiese en suksesvolle personeelagent, lewe teen ’n vinnige pas. Sy’t haar eie besigheid, is gelukkig getroud en het twee kinders rondom wie sy haar besige lewe beplan. Maar toe sy een middag ná ’n blitsbesoek aan die winkels by die huis opdaag, stort haar hele kaartehuis ineen. Sal sy in die maa...

Reën vir Stofvlei
R 220.00
Die tienjarige Elsie, oftewel Gogga, is 'n regte rabedoe wat eerder saam met die seuns op die plaas rondhardloop as om pop te speel soos haar perfekte sussie, Riette. Dit is die veertigerjare en daar is 'n Wereldoorlog wat woed, maar Elsie se grootste bekommernis is die droogte wat die gebied teister. Saam met haar gesin moet sy veg om...

Ivoor: Terug op Dodelike Spore
R 280.00
Geheimsinnige oorsese betalings aan weeskinders van die Bosoorlog . . . Dit lyk soos die werk van die ou SAW se koverte intelligensiegroep. Tex Texeira se aandag is verdeel tussen dié saak en die selfdood van die Engelsman, ’n medesoldaat wat uit gewetensbeswaardheid nooit aan ’n vuurwapen gevat het nie. Dan kom ’n verdere elemen...

Exploring Nature: Spectacular Sharks
R 80.00
Find out about the amazing creatures of the sea, the different species, habitats and survival.

Illustrated Wildlife Encyclopedia: Bugs & Minibeasts
R 140.00
This amazing book for 8-12 year-olds examines the intriguing aspects of all kinds of bugs and minibeasts, with fascinating facts and 800 close-up photographs.

Classic Collection of Fairy Tales
R 140.00
Children and adults alike will delight in these enchanting tales, which are just as popular today as they were over a hundred years ago. These classic stories have withstood the test of time and are part of a heritage of folk and fairy tales that are shared across borders and languages. This collection contains twenty-four popular tales, retold ...

Find Out About Rainforests
R 60.00
Explore the tallest treetops, investigate the noises of the rainforest canopy, and learn about the mysterious secrets of the rainforest with this exciting book. Easy-to-do projects show how to track animals and plant a mini-jungle, and amazing facts inspire kids to find out more about the natural world.

Find Out About Machines
R 60.00
Discover what machines are, how they work, and how they have developed through history, in this fascinating fact file and learn-it-yourself project book. Includes 19 practical experiments - make a windmill, a hydraulic lifter and even a vacuum cleaner! An accessible and lively introduction to machines, ideal for home or school use for 8 to 12 ye...

Find Out About Weather
R 60.00
Weather is all around us. This fact-file and practical book tells you all about climates and seasons, why temperatures rise and fall, how clouds, snow and ice form, and how people are able to forecast the weather. The hands-on projects make it easy to learn for yourself: find out how to measure wind, make your own weather vane, and test air pres...

Find Out About Pyramids
R 60.00
The ancient pyramids contain some of the greatest mysteries of history; this fascinating fact file and learn-it-yourself book unlocks the secrets of all kinds of pyramids from around the world, and hands-on projects include measuring the heights of pyramids, writing in hieroglyphs and growing your own pyramid crystals.

Ultimate Book of Snakes and Reptiles
R 140.00
A fascinating fact-packed insight into every aspect of reptilian life, habitat and survival, with fabulous wildlife pictures, perfect for 8- to 12-year-olds at home or school.

Aquarium Fish
R 210.00
A definitive guide to identifying and keeping freshwater and marine fishes.The comprehensive practical manual to keeping up all types of aquarium.Clear step-by-step photographs and easy-to-follow instructions for planning, building, stocking and maintaining your aquarium.Essential information on major families and groups of fishes.Fully illustra...

Jou kind en verlies
R 270.00
’n Mens wil glo dat kinders nie verdriet ervaar nie, maar hulle beleef dit wel.Selfs as ’n mens dit regkry om kinders teen die ergste hartseer te beskerm, sal daar tog ’n keer kom wat hulle een of ander vorm van verlies ervaar en daaroor sal rou.Die dood van hetsy ’n maat, familielid of troeteldier, is nie die enigste vorm wat verlies aanneem ni...

Goosebumps: Say Cheese - And Die Screaming
R 70.00
Someone - or something - is inviting ordinary kids to HorrorLand and trapping them there. But they're not the only guests of the terrifying theme park where nightmares come to life. Slappy the Dummy, Monster Blood, and other vile villains have joined the terror trip, too. And now an eerie camera is predicting trouble: Somebody might be gone in...

Goosebumps: Monster Blood for Breakfast
R 70.00
For an athlete like Matt Daniels, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It's also the most dangerous. That's because somebody is about to pull a mean prank. The recipe is simple: just add Monster Blood. As if Matt's problems weren't big and slimy enough, a surprise invitation will lead to even more trouble. How long can Matt survive...

Goosebumps: The Scream of the Haunted Mask
R 70.00
After the worst Halloween ever, Carly-Beth assumed that nothing could be scarier than a drooling rubber mask with a mind of its own. But now Carly-Beth has discovered something far scarier: an entire house full of haunted masks! If Carly-Beth can survive the night, even a terrifying amusement park like HorrorLand might seem like a vacation. Then...