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Peter Rabbit Secret Tree House
R 60.00
Join the Peter Rabbit Club! Shhh - it's TOP SECRET! Learn all about how Peter, Lily and Benjamin earned their secret treehouse and what it takes to be a member of the club, with gadgets codes, great escapes and more. Play the games, colour the pictures and stick the stickers to win your puzzle skills award.
Peter Rabbit Animation Sticker Activity Book
R 60.00
You've got an important mission! Follow the trails, play the games, colour the pictures and stick the stickers to win your puzzle skills award! Hop to it!
Z is for Zack: Boxset 2
R 310.00
The original Zackie Mostert series already has thousands of young fans - and now there's also a reading series, perfect for beginner readers. Each book in the series features bright full-colour illustrations and simple, easy-to-read text that make these fun-filled stories accessible to young readers. 1. Z is for Zack The Terrible Trip 2. ...
R 140.00
’n Opwindende nuwe boek uit Anzil Kulsen se pen! Warren en sy maats Kyla, Sharon en Divan is op pad na ’n karatekamp saam met Sensei Fourie. Die maats sien baie uit daarna, maar sommer vinnig word hulle vaardighede getoets en ... maak hulle kennis met ’n draak! Hierdie aksie-belaaide boek sal lesers van die eerste bladsy af boei!
Siembamba (Boekpak)
R 290.00
Onthou jy nog immergroen Afrikaanse kinderrympies soos “Trippe trappe trone”, “Allawiek, allawak, ons gaan pannekoek bak” en “Tara-rara boemdery”? Hierdie omvangryke, pragtig geïllustreerde versameling klassieke Afrikaanse rympies beloof ure se pret vir jonk en oud! Daar is bekende versies en minder bekendes, tergrympies en raaiselrympies...
Minki en haar maats: Dag by die Akwarium
R 120.00
Minki kan nie wag nie! Haar klas gaan vandag op ’n uitstappie na die akwarium. Almal is opgewonde om die dolfyne, haaie en seeskilpaaie te sien. Maar Danika het ’n kamera saamgebring … en sy wil sekermaak Minki en haar maats gaan ’n goor dag hê.
Minki en haar maats: Pannekoek!
R 120.00
Dit is ’n koue wintersdag. Minki en haar maats is lus vir pannekoek! Pappa wil vir hulle pannekoek bak, maar die tweeling is heeltyd in die pad. Kan Minki aan ’n plan dink om haar boeties besig te hou?
Pampoenpit kry ‘n beat
R 140.00
Pampoenpit word een oggend wakker met ’n spesiale liedjie in haar hart. ’n Op en wakker ritme wat binne haar borrel en bruis … Die musiek is ongeduldig, dit wil almal graag laat sing. Die ritme wil die hele buurt laat dans en laat rondspring! Kort voor lank vaar Pampoenpit die strate in om haar spesiale liedjie met almal te deel!
Saartjie die spinnekop met sewe bene
R 150.00
Die idee vir hierdie pragtig geïllustreerde boek het gespruit uit die behoefte wat die skrywer gehad het om kennis aan kinders oor te dra oor wesens, soos insekte, wat hul omgewing deel. Hierdie prenteboek lei kinders se denke in 'n rigting oor hoe om hierdie klein wesens te respekteer. Om die vrees vir spinnekoppe aan te spreek, het die skrywe...
150 Great Science Experiments
R 140.00
Find out how things work in how-to experiments for 8- to 12-year-olds, with 1300 pictures.
150 Amazing Science Experiments
R 140.00
A bumper collection of 150 fantastic experiments and projects that explain a wide range of scientific facts, processes and principles - all in 1300 step-by-step pictures.
Illustrated Wildlife Encyclopedia: Bugs & Minibeasts
R 140.00
This amazing book for 8-12 year-olds examines the intriguing aspects of all kinds of bugs and minibeasts, with fascinating facts and 800 close-up photographs.
Classic Collection of Fairy Tales
R 140.00
Children and adults alike will delight in these enchanting tales, which are just as popular today as they were over a hundred years ago. These classic stories have withstood the test of time and are part of a heritage of folk and fairy tales that are shared across borders and languages. This collection contains twenty-four popular tales, retold ...
Crafty Fun With Paper!
R 70.00
How to create all kinds of fun objects, stationery, decorations, toys, games, masks and disguises - all shown in step-by-step photographs. Perfect for any crafty 7 to 12 year-old!
How To Juggle
R 60.00
Learn how to juggle, not just with balls and beanbags, but also bananas, hats, cards, clothes and even shoes! Discover the secrets of juggling with easy instructions and more than 200 step-by-step photographs to show you exactly what to do. Ideal for 8-12 year olds, with simple projects for beginners and more sophisticated ones for older kids.
Ultimate Book of Snakes and Reptiles
R 140.00
A fascinating fact-packed insight into every aspect of reptilian life, habitat and survival, with fabulous wildlife pictures, perfect for 8- to 12-year-olds at home or school.